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Cars Audi TTS For Sale in Lebanon

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Information about Audi:

Audi is a German company that is part of the Volkswagen group. The company currently specializes in manufacturing luxury cars, and it is famous for its logo, the four circles that intertwine side by side. The company's head office is located in Bavaria, Ingolstadt, Germany.


Audi's history:

The company was created at the beginning of the 20th century and has gone through a number of alliances and transformations that have complicated its history. The company was founded by August Horch and entered into an alliance with two other companies, KW and Wanderer. The Company was called Auto Union, that is, in 1932, the Second World War had catastrophic repercussions, because the NSU factories were destroyed and it was about to declare bankruptcy, but Audi established an alliance with it, in accordance with the entrepreneurial principle that says: The defeated is your next ally!, and this partnership was named Audi NSU.

In 1965, the eyes of the Wagon group fell on the company, especially after the launch of the Audi F103, and it merged, so it became one of its groups and brands, because it was there mixed insofar as it was 99.55% owned by Wagon. The company disappeared at this time, but Wagon started using the brand again for its weight, and cars were launched (80 - 75 - 72 - 60 - Super 60), and were sold on markets under their original name.


About the name:

It is nice to hear the story that led to the company getting its name "Audi" from Mr. August Horch, the businessman who founded the company in 1899. We quote the Horch car in 1901 , it was launched in the Zviako city markets, but some reasons made him leave the company, where he established his own investment in the city of Zviakou and continued to use his Horch brand, but he n didn't keep using the brand for a long time, because a lawsuit was filed against him in court by the company he left, he said the master can't use his last name as a brand because he belongs to a previous company, and he has already been banned from using it.

However, Mr. Horch did not sit idly by, he made an appointment with Mr. Franz Fikentscher to come up with a new brand for the company he had founded, Mr. Franz's son was studying Latin , he was interested in saying something but he refrained from it and hesitated, and continued to study, until he said: "The name Audi is better than Horch, because it is known that the word Horch in German means listen, and it means Audi in Latin. The weight and lightness of the word impressed the two gentlemen, and they agreed to apply it.


Recent Audi versions:

A8: which was launched with a new look of luxury and elegance in design and technology, as it achieves a huge amount of luxury and enjoyment, due to its features and technologies which have made it reserve its place among the most entertaining vehicles globally The car is powered by an eight-cylinder engine, with a storage capacity of 4.2 liters, and up to Its maximum power is 372 horsepower, the car can reach a speed of 100 km/h in just 5.7 seconds.

A7: A multi-tasking sports car, a stylish and luxurious sedan, launched with a modern design more comprehensively than before, its four-cylinder engine can store two liters, and its maximum capacity reaches 177 horsepower, and it also comes with other six-cylinder engines starting at 204 horsepower and ending with 300 horsepower, linked to an automatic transmission controls eight speed levels.

R8: This car is the most powerful among the company's models, as it is a multitasking super sports car, with a huge ten-cylinder engine, 5.2 liters of storage capacity of fuel, the car reaches a speed of 100 km/h from zero in just 3.9 seconds, that's a rare acceleration in the sedan world! The car breaks speed barriers and reaches 313 km/h at its maximum speed, and it works with an automatic transmission with excellent response.



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