The Renault logo


The Renault-Nissan alliance occupies one of the leading positions in the world in the production of cars, trucks, and sports vehicles.
Cars of the brand «Renault» can be divided into three types: «for youth», «for the family» and «the business class». The premieres are popular thanks to the harmonious decoration and its low cost, the advantages of the second are high security and great habitability, and «business class» is presented by serious cars for serious prices.

The history and meaning of the Renault Logo:

Renault enters the top of the list of the world’s leading car manufacturers. At the same time, this brand is the company producing cars in France with a very rich history. It specializes in the manufacture of a wide range of models of cars, trucks, buses, tractors, and other vehicles for different purposes. When it established the collaboration with Nissan, it lit up to one of the largest auto producers in the world, which makes it possible to compete with the other giants of the automotive industry. At the moment, it has more than 128,400 employees and €72.93 in annual assets.
No wonder the Renault badge is among the most recognizable logos. The brand was founded in 1899 by the Renault brothers. That was when the newly created company got its first official logo. At that time the brand was called Société Renault Frères. The insignia was quite simple containing the initials of each brother. However, it underwent many changes and modifications throughout the history of the society. The first overhaul was carried out in 1906. However, the diamond-shaped fir trees that are known around the world did not appear until 1925. Only slight modifications have been made since then from 1946 to 1959. But the base of the logo is still the same until today.
In 1972, the Renault organization asked Victor Vasarely who was a renowned craftsman and fashioner to recharge the identification and include a few subtleties.First of all, the form that is known to all Renault fans was introduced in 1992. The logo was later updated and several changes were made in 2004 and 2007. This is the point at which the name of the organization showed up on the identification with the square of the yellow shading making it more unique and current.Each detail has a special meaning and refers to the particular qualities of the company and the cars it produces. For example, the color of silver means refinement and creativity. The yellow background means optimism and prosperity.

Description of the emblem:

The current version of the Renault emblem represents the name of the company located on the yellow background in the shape of a square. The interconnectedness is at the top of the company’s name. There has been a lot of debate about whether to turn the yellow background back or not. Nonetheless, French planner Jean-François Porchez had most likely that he would carry more powerful and present day notes to the presence of the identification.This version was designed by Porchez in 2004 with several changes in 2007. But the base and shapes are still the same. There is also another version of the logo that represents MN Renault where MN represents the firm Wolff Olins.

The shape of the Renault symbol:

All details in the Renault badge have a specific symbol. When it comes to the shape of the logo, we first looked at a silver diamond at the top of the company’s name. Silver has not been chosen occasionally. It symbolizes the creativity and sophistication of French car engineers. Each new model comes with the latest innovations and technologies that make these cars very popular with consumers around the world. They included circles and ovals. But in 1925 the diamond was chosen once and for all with the changes and in addition to slight modifications.

The color of the Renault logo:

The yellow color was also not chosen accidentally. It was already introduced once, but later neglected by designers. However, it was brought back in 2004 to represent optimism and prosperity. Also, the yellow squares proved to be a good idea to make the logo more eye-catching and recognizable.

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