Aplicación AutoBeeb Descargar

Política de privacidad

* Nota: solo se aprueba la versión en inglés de la política de privacidad


When browsing the site, you decide to agree to the privacy policy described below that relates to the collection and use of personal information and the process of exchanging information on the site in order to achieve optimal use of services, tools and applications, and to keep it active and safe as required. This applies to the content of websites, services, tools and applications of related websites.

Web surfers can display the content of the site without the need to provide us with any personal information, and if you choose to provide us with personal information, you agree to transfer this information and store it in the site's database, which becomes available to those who wish to take advantage of this data, including achieving the desired goal To facilitate the provision of the service to the third party, which usually contains contact information such as name, phone number or email address and traffic data to and from in addition to some additional data that the browser uses can provide us, for example: the data provided By companies that share these lists .

Information collected when entering or registering and requesting website services

  • The information that is added when registering or logging into the account
  • The information that is added through the advertisements that you post on the site
  • The information you provide through our social media platforms or any third party.
  • Information about your geographical location.
  • Information about the nature of the company / factory / agency / exhibition if you are registered with the merchant account.
  • Information regarding the nature of your business if you are registered with a merchant account.
  • Information provided through communications submitted by users
  • The information you provide when corresponding to the website through the direct chat system or chatting by e-mail.

Uses of personal data:

  •  Personal data is used for the following: -
    • Encouraging communication between the parties to the business process and informing others about the experiences of others.

Conduct statistics on the number of registered on the site.

  • Providing the user with all services through phone, email or various applications such as WhatsApp.
  • Send newsletters that contain the latest news and updated services on the site
  • Implementing site-specific policies and informing users of the most important developments and updates on the site
  • Collect the fees incurred, if any.
  • Implementing the safe trade principle in addition to applying site-specific policies.
  • Using this data for future marketing research for the purposes of developing the site.
  • Compare data, verify its accuracy, and process data on your behalf.
  • Monitor illegal behavior by some users that are contrary to the terms of the agreement of use.
  • Monitoring feedback on the quality of the services we provide, which helps us in developing our own business strategies to improve services and achieve the highest level of benefit.
  • Resolution of disputes and notifications.
  • Combine your data with the data we collect from other companies and use it within the framework of customizing the services we provide to you through our website.


We maintain the highest levels of confidentiality regarding personal data as we do not sell this information to any third party and the site may disclose personal information to a third party in accordance with this privacy policy and applicable laws and laws, where your information can be shared with: -

  • An intellectual property owner who believed that an account or ad violated the rights of the owner.
  • A third party you have approved for certain purposes.
  • Financial service providers, marketing and technical support agencies, with your personal information remaining in the site sitter only.
  • The regulatory agencies and the security department, in case the site is asked to disclose information according to the law or the privacy policy.
  • Companies that will be integrated and shared with the site in the future.


Information is automatically collected

  • Information that the website collects through cookies, files, programs, technology and similar technologies.
  • The information that is collected through your visit to the site, browsing it, and your interaction inside it, where all the number of information is included, the geographical location, internet connection information, the type of device you use and its number, whether it is a computer, a mobile phone or any other device, and statistics displaying the pages and visits are also collected To and from the site, advertisement data and protocol address.


Reasons for sharing your information with a third party

  • Criminal crimes such as fraud and fraud.
  • The issuance of a court order or compliance with legal obligations.
  • Urgent matters to maintain the privacy policy of the site and protect the rights of users and visitors.


By agreeing to the site's privacy policy, you agree to receive marketing communications via newsletters, marketing, fax, or telephone from us unless you prefer not to receive such communications, you can express your desire in an easy way through the privacy instructions set out through the site.


The site enables you to exchange personal and financial data to complete the transactions, and since we respect the privacy of others and the legal responsibility that follows, we transfer the responsibility for the accuracy and reliability of the data submitted to us to the parties to the commercial process.


The site enables you to view your personal data by reviewing your message, through which you can amend or delete your personal data in case you no longer need it, and we reserve our right to keep personal data in accordance with the applicable legal policies.


The site provides links to other sites in order to facilitate the use and spread of information by clicking on these links and then you leave our site, while ensuring that your personal data is not shared with these links. We may need to pass on your personal data and we encourage you to share information with commercial parties in order to give them an opportunity to review the information collected about them.


The site allows users subscribing to the site, to share the published ads, which will be published with other users inside and outside the website and through many electronic and traditional channels, which makes them accessible to all. The site also allows direct communication between advertisers and researchers, seeing prices and thinking about buying and selling, so here we recommend that you think well. By sharing your personal information from users, advertisers, and researchers, you are solely responsible for that and the site does not guarantee the privacy of the security of the information you share with others on the site.

The site protects your private information in it according to the site's security measures such as firewall, data encryption and SSL, as we will be a lookout for anyone trying to abuse the site and unauthorized access, but if you feel that someone is using your personal account in a way that harms you and without your knowledge please contact us directly.


We also monitor all bad uses of unwanted commercial communications, and you as a user do not have the right to add other site users to your email or regular mailing list for commercial purposes, even if one of them communicates with you and you complete a commercial transaction unless you get express consent from him, as well as The site does not allow the use of various sources of communication between users to send fake messages or content that offends the site’s privacy policy in any way.

For third parties, the site does not have the right to control their privacy policies that apply to you as a user or visitor, unless this privacy policy provides for the provision of information from these parties in other ways, it only applies to the use and transfer of information that the site collects about you


 The site operators have the right to reserve the right to change any part of this privacy policy or remove any part without notifying users since your use of this site is tantamount to acceptance of this agreement, and its website operators are advised to review this policy regularly.


For more information or inquiries, please communicate meaning via the following email: -


Auto Beeb

Latest update 11/12/2019

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