AutoBeeb Uygulaması İndir

Şartlar ve koşullar

* Not: Genel şartlar ve koşulların İngilizce versiyonu sadece onaylanmıştır

AutoBeeb is a website and Smartphone application which specializes in classified ads related to selling, buying, renting and ordering of cars, trucks, trailers, heavy equipment, buses, vans, and spare parts.
We aim through these terms and conditions on the site to control the operations, so that they are carried out in the best possible way, and if you express your agreement on the approach that the site will follow. Bringing up the beginning of the path that defines how everyone will use the site.
The terms and conditions of our website are serve as a safety valve that guarantees you to work within the rules and provisions that are guaranteed to you by the laws on e-commerce through which you can feel secure and high confidence when making commercial contracts via the Internet. This leads to framing the relationship between site users and site operators through a set of regulations and laws that define the nature of this relationship and within a legal framework. Furthermore, site surfers must observe these laws to ensure their rights and take into account their duties, so that they are not allowed to use the site for unlawful purposes.
Our task will be to ensure a Safe and legal business path for universal vehicle trade, and to open a universal vehicle market that depends on high speed and reliability. As the site is interested in securing the best services through its constant desire to Provide the best and most secure services by providing data "as it is" without any explicit or implicit guarantees. It is not responsible for special indirect damages and the ensuing loss of business, revenue, profits or data with regard to your use of the site.
The responsibilities or any legal obligations of AutoBeeb are limited or excluded, as you alone will face any risks, responsibilities or any related matters, and any rights you have against the AutoBeeb site are limited or excluded. Therefore, please read this information closely and carefully, as you will not be able to deny the truth of this data received, as there are rights to claims for AutoBeeb and / or other persons against you as a result of this data.


The site owns the copyright, including the right of author, the contents of the site from data on vehicles displayed on the site from time to time, and the rights to the data contained in the site and all trademarks, names and logos owned by the third party are owned by the third party. No license or right will be granted under any trade names, trademarks or logos except as expressly permitted under these conditions. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, upload, publish, transmit, display, modify, create business, or reuse any of the contents of the Site to reach third parties
The Site and its content are protected by copyright, trademark, patent, other intellectual property rights and laws applicable in the scope of electronic commerce.
By virtue of this document, you undertake as a member of the site to abide by the instructions below:
Not to violate any laws, rights or agreements of any of the parties •
Not to publish false or misleading data that would challenge or discredit any of the parties. •
• Not to give the login information on your site to any of the parties, and thus you will be the only one responsible for that.
• Not to disturb other site users by sending messages intended to harm them, or to spy on them, and not to contact them at late times, and not to use their phone numbers with the intention of harassment or any other matter that does not serve the matter regarding which their phone numbers have been placed on the site.
• You undertake not to carry out any activity that would adversely affect the Website infrastructure
• Not to influence the work of the site or any of its activities
 • Not to use personal information of users without their explicit consent
 • Not to spread viruses or any malicious programs that harm the Website infrastructure and its related applications.
• Not to publish content, ads, or fake data, or that belongs to another person
• Not to collect user data on the site and use it for any purpose
• Not to use fraudulent software to access site databases
• Not to use the services to send unwanted e-mail
• Not to publish or distribute offensive or illegal materials or information
• Not to publish and distribute information that incites hatred, discrimination and violence against a person or group at the expense of race, religion or nationality
• Not to threaten, abuse and violate legal rights (including the rights of privacy and publicity of others)
• Not to use any of the data or materials in any way and in a way that violates a trademark and threatens to disrupt the interests of others
• Not to advertise goods or services for any commercial purpose outside of the site’s scope of work
• Not to impersonate In order to mislead others
• Not to violate generally accepted laws and regulations in the e-commerce sector
• Not to attempt unauthorized access to any of the services, other accounts, or computer systems
• Not to use ads and / or images for advertisements published on other sites similar or not similar to the nature of AutoBeeb, Accordingly, you alone bear the responsibility for this, as AutoBeeb disclaims full liability for any infringement of the use of ads from other sites including (content, written or imaginary, Including photos with a watermark for other sites, and/or any other related matters)
Deleting, blocking and canceling the subscription of the account:
The site administration has the right to delete, ban or cancel the subscription of any account on the site with all its identifying and advertising data without referring to the account owner, and it is not compensated directly or indirectly, and this does not expose the site’s management to any legal or judicial liability.

Deleting, banning, or canceling the subscription of the account are for the following reasons:
• All kinds of Fraud and deception
Breaking the rules of the site's usage policy• 
• Recurring reports on the account by users
• Fictitious and fake ads
• Posting advertisements for other competing websites
• The deployment of vehicles, spare parts and services related to the security and military sectors
• Deployment of weapons, bombs and explosive devices
• Choosing the wrong sections to advertise
• Posting ads or creating accounts bearing obscene and offensive words
• Posting advertisements or creating accounts bearing illegal images or someone else's trademark, or inappropriate pictures with sexual connotations or pictures bearing the meanings of defamation, slander and denigration
• Publishing data containing official personal documents or financial records.
• Posting data that violates intellectual property rights.
• Publishing data (write - Image) or placing links related to alcoholic products, tobacco, intoxicants, narcotic pills, human organs or any products that law prohibit, directly or indirectly
• Disseminating religious materials of various kinds that offend any religion belonging to a person or group
• Publishing monuments, treasures and get rich quick  
• Fake ads and unreasonable prices with the intention of defraud and deception
• Create an online store account whose name belongs to someone else
• Posting duplicate ads. 
• Any other urgent matters that require Site Administration to delete your account
In the event that you violate any of the above conditions, you agree to bear any losses or claims that you have caused as a result of breaching the terms and conditions set forth above.

Free and paid services
The site offers many free services, although there are some services that you need to pay some fees for, when you need these services and order them electronically, you will get these services, and the fees will be non-refundable.
The fees will be taken in US dollars, and the final discount will be determined from you according to the exchange rate set by the bank, and we have no relationship with the difference in the value of the fees in the event of an increase or decrease from the price set by the site.
The pricing of services is changed from one period to another, where the value make increase or decrease according to the site management deems appropriate. This does not hold the site management responsible for paying the difference to subscribers who used the paid services before or after these changes occurred.                                                                                               
If any site failure, payment system or Internet failure occurs while the charges are being paid, this failure is outside the site's expectations, and the site administration will not be liable for any compensation for the charges that were paid during this failure.
Credit card information shall remain confidential, and if any payments are made to purchase any of the services paid on the site using a third party's credit card, you are solely responsible for this, as the site and its entire staff are free of all liability, and no refund will be made using this card.

Catalogue service
AutoBeeb management allows you to upload the catalog of companies, factories and institutions, and add it by the AutoBeeb team or by the companies, factories or institutions on their own. As from here, AutoBeeb, all the administrative staff and all employees aren’t responsible for the Information validity in the catalogue. Where we disclaim our full responsibility for the images, data, prices, watermarks, logos, trade names, and any graphic and written content, etc. in the catalogue, as the full responsibility lies with the sender of the catalogue only.
If AutoBeeb receives repeated reports that prove that there is any violation of the validity of the sent catalog information, then AutoBeeb has the right to delete the catalog and all data without referring to the owner of the catalog, and if there are any fees paid for the subscription or service of the catalog, these fees are not refundable and the sender of the catalog is not entitled to claim this.
The website deals with a (third party) to provide it with currency exchange rates and then convert it into the currency the user wants, but there are some differences that appear during the transfers' process from one currency to another. Therefore, the site disclaims all responsibility for the differences that may occur, and this does not expose the site and those in charge of it any legal liability.
The currencies site (third party) may also be disrupted and therefore an error will occur in the conversion of prices on the site, so the site is not entirely responsible for the failure that may occur, and this does not expose the site and those in charge of it any legal questions.
AutoBeeb Working Team
AutoBeeb has many people working for it, whether in office or remotely, but in spite of that there may be errors by some employees, and if these errors occur, the full responsibility is on the employee concerned only.
We also want to note that the AutoBeeb site has its own blog to enrich content related to cars, so there are many writers with whom AutoBeeb contracts, as one of the conditions for the content that is added to the site is the complete exclusivity, in the event that there are any errors or problems related to this matter, the responsibility the whole thing falls on the employee concerned with this matter only.
 Accordingly, the necessary action in this matter will be taken by the AutoBeeb administration, and the defaulting person will be held accountable and any errors that may occur by the board of directors will be addressed only, and the employee related to any error will not be subjected to any legal liability, as we must fix the error if it occurs and treat it if it is possible

 Phone number Use
Logging in and registering on the site is done by using the phone number or e-mail or both, where users can add the phone number to their accounts and ads, Hence, the site, including the management, employees and developers, disclaims all responsibility for the phone numbers listed on the ads and accounts. Responsibility lies on users who use the phone number for accounts or for advertisements.
AutoBeeb disclaims all responsibility for inconveniences with phone calls that may occur by site visitors and / or registered members of the site. Accordingly, if you put your phone number in the advertisement and it causes you inconvenience, you can delete the advertisement or write to AutoBeeb through the attached e-mail to remove the advertisement or delete the registered account. where the third party calling or causing this inconvenience is the only responsible for that.

Any contact you have with any phone number present on the site causes inconvenience to its owner, whether by repeated calls, late calls, or any matters that annoy the advertiser on the site, making you fully responsible for this inconvenience, and AutoBeeb and all its employees are completely free of this responsibility.

Personal data
When you sign up for or sign in to the site, you give the site full authority to transfer, store and collect all your personal information on all sites and applications of the site.
The site prohibits the posting of any content on behalf of others (proxy advertising) directly or indirectly without written permission from the site.
The website and its applications have many different services that require you to create your own account using e-mail or phone number or log in and subscribe through a third party through your various social media sites such as (Facebook - Google), this requires you to set your own password, and this word and all the information that you put will be under your responsibility alone, and you will be responsible for all activities emanating from this account. You will also be responsible for the correctness of the information you entered. We advise you to enter a password consisting of letters, numbers and symbols as it is difficult to be known, and we also advise you not to create a password consisting of your name or phone number.
You acknowledge that all data, text, graphics, logos, photographs, animations and illustrations, whether publicly placed or specifically transmitted, are the responsibility of the account holder. We, AutoBeeb, don not have any guarantees of accuracy, integrity or quality of the content, so the site administration is not responsible for the authenticity of the information in the ad or in the account and disclaims any loss or damage resulting therefrom.
The Site may use any advertising on the AutoBeeb Website in all social media or other affiliated or non-affiliated sites. This is without reference to the author of the advertisement and in the event of any error in the advertisement, violation of intellectual property rights or any other rights, the author of the advertisement is the person who has the same legal responsibility, since neither the Site nor its Management nor employees have any responsibility for this, and the Site reserves the right to defend and control any legal issue. The site reserves the right to defend and control any legal issue.


Denial of Service
The site has the right to limit and stop any of the services it provides. The site management has the right to transfer those registered as a merchant to a regular user at any time without prior notification to the user of that. Moreover, the site administration has the right to increase or decrease the number of ads for regular users or merchants without prior notification to users.
Limitation of liability
The site provides accurate, complete and non-misleading information, which is provided on the basis of credibility that governs intellectual property law, as it is considered a benchmark for all services provided by site operators, with the aim of providing the best services and in a professional way that helps site surfers to access information quickly and with high accuracy.
As the site aims to facilitate access to accurate and secure information regarding sales and purchases and the procedures that follow, the site is protected for the purposes of ensuring the security of such data, where It forbids to transfer or copy them to avoid forgery and fraud, and accordingly the site administration limits its responsibility to the nature and credibility of the information displayed on the site.

With regard to buying and selling, it is carried out in the real market, and in this case the responsibility is transferred to the relevant authorities, so that the buying and selling process moves from the stage of offer and acceptance to the practical side through which the sale and purchase process is completed. Accordingly, the site management suffices with this aspect of the responsibility of mediating between the seller and the buyer in a modern way and different from traditional sales methods, which means facilitating the flow of supply and demand.
With regard to real commercial contracts and the profit or loss associated with them, the site management has finished its role in terms of providing data, where the responsibility is transferred to the parties to the commercial process with regard to profit and loss, and any related matters related to this process .For example, the quantity, type and quality related to the nature of the offered product, as its responsibility falls on the shoulders of the real business process parties (seller - buyer), so that the site management does not incur any implicit or explicit responsibility in any way.
Please use the notification system or contact the site management via email below to inform us of any urgent problems with you, so that we are hand in hand to stay on in the right path and keep the site services running to keep all users' rights from being infringed.
In the event of a violation of intellectual rights, only the owner of these rights can submit a report to us with evidence and documents proving this. Where users are prohibited from publishing any content that violates the intellectual property rights of any person or facility with all types of content that is published, and accordingly, the procedure that will be taken by us is to delete the advertisement or ban the account, according to the case.
With all of the foregoing, if we find ourselves liable to you or any third party, our liability is limited to the total payment of our paid services within a maximum period of two months or 15 US dollars.


Using the smart phone application for the website.
If you use the site through our application on smartphones on Android, IOS or Huawei, then this Terms of Use agreement and the privacy policy published on the site applies to you, and your use of the application confirms your acceptance of these terms of use.
Important notes when using the AutoBeeb application:
• The application may not contain all the functions offered by the website.
• When you download the application, you are responsible for any damage or defects to your device or your loss of data.
• The website owns all rights, ownership, patent, copyright and trademark of the application.
• The use, modification, addition, copying, or translation of the application code or any part thereof shall be prohibited in any way.
• The trademark and intellectual property used in the application is prohibited to be used.
All reports submitted by users or complainants must contain this information:
• Username (and the name of the store if it is a merchant).
• Registered phone number, or both.
• Full description of the problem.
• The date and time of the problem.
• The application version number (shown on the settings page).
• All relevant information.
Your acceptance of the terms and conditions
• Site operators may reserve the right to change or remove any part of the Agreement without notice to users as your use of this Site constitutes acceptance of this Agreement.
• The operators of the website advise its surfers to review these terms and conditions on a regular basis.
• You are solely responsible for reviewing the terms and conditions from time to time. In the event that you object to any point mentioned and / or amended in this agreement, you are not satisfied with AutoBeeb, and you must stop using the site, otherwise, you agree to all modifications and all points in this agreement.
• A translation of these terms and conditions is available in the English language, and the Arabic version remains the main and dominant version between you and AutoBeeb, and if there is any inconsistency between the English and the Arabic version, the Arabic version remains the prevailing and main version.
• in the event that any provision of the Terms and conditions is incorrect and invalid for any reason, it will be canceled and this will never affect the validity of the other terms.
Compensation for damage
If you breach any of the above terms, you agree to assume any losses or claims caused by a breach of the above terms and conditions.
There will be a claim for compensation to any third party who makes a complaint against you, including any amounts due, as well as legal costs incurred by any of the parties resulting from your use of AutoBeeb and violation of one of the terms of use and applicable laws, Neither the site nor the directors, employees, or officials working on the site will be responsible for any such compensation, and the site reserves the right to defend and control any legal issue, which does not mean that you are exempt from the obligation to pay such compensation.
For more information or inquiries, please contact us via the following e-mail: -
Date of Last update: 11/01/2021

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